Access Restrictions
Every once in a while there is a need to limit the availalbility for a particular video. On the Qbrick Video Platform you can define different access restrictions based on publish time, IP and/or Token. This feature is available in the in the Media Details > Access Restrictions
If you wish to have a publish date for your video you can easily manage it by setting a publish date. The video will be available at the choosen date. The text "The publish date for this video has not been reached (QP-1003)" is displayed if a user tries to watch the video preceding the publish date.
If you wish to do the opposite and limit the availability of the media, then activate "Enable unpublish time" and choose a date and a time to make the video inactive. If a user tries to watch the video after the date, then the following message will be displayed "This media has been unpublished (QP-1002)"
If you would like to define IP restriction and/or restriction by valid token, you should click on "Manage & Create new rule". In the pop-up you navigate to "Create New". There you can fill in a restriction name and whitelist IP ranges and/or define a valid token and click "add". This makes the the player play the media only for the viewers who has valid IP and/or tokens. In the examples below it is shown how you can do it.
You are now able to assign a rule by choosing a suitable restriction of your choice. The choices are activated after you the "Save settings"